Thursday, September 4, 2008

Rhetorical Activities Q.#4

Congress has been debating federal regulation of guns since 1934. Advocates of gun control argue that by controlling the public's access to firearms, crime and fatalities caused by juveniles and criminals in schools and other public places will decrease. There has been much speculation after the school shooting at Virginia Tech. about whether a tighter reluation by federal government on guns could have prevented the deadliest mass shooting in America. It is a tragic fact that a mother would have to worry about sending her kid out to school or a kid would have to feel uneasy sitting in a classroom, but the fact of the matter is the threat is real. Opponents of gun control say the real issue that needs to be addressed is the fact that some kids feel left out and are "victimized" which leads them to lash out at innocent people. It is unfortunate that while we are arguing between how much regulation should the government have over guns, tragic events such as the Va. Tech shooting take place. Hopefully, America can find some middle ground so that families don't have to feel ill at ease when sending their kids out to school.

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