Friday, November 14, 2008

ARCS p186 Q. 1 & 3

1). Maxim-wise sayings or proverbs that are generally accepted by the community of the rhetor. Example "Better late than never". (On the humorous side of things, I am ironically actually employing this saying writing this blog).

Enthymemes-premises used in contructing rehtorical proofs. Example: Think different Apple is different. Think Apple.

Signs-physical facts or real events that usually accompany some other state of affairs. Ex: A kid plays practices basketball everyday. That is a sign that the kid will probably improve his skills.

Since I am tired of hearing about the elections and its continued post-political discourse, I decided to use an article that was nonpolitical. The article "Just Saying, Is All. The problem with the Rays" (even though I am always finding myself referring back to their old name--the Devil Rays) uses many different signs, maxims, and enthymemes. The quote "optimism is contagious" is great maxim that people generally know and accept. Essentially, the article is making the point that one season of success does not necessarily mean future success like this year. "When a choice is between defeat on one hand and delusion on another, only a fan or fool lays his money on the long shot." This is a good enthymeme premise that helps the argument. The conclusive ethymeme is "For the league's most forlorn franchise, Tampa's turnaround offers nothing more than an empty promise of better things to come". The author uses a Tom Petty lyric "Even the losers get lucky sometimes", which serves as a good maxim to stregnthen his point. The author made effective use of all three for effectiveness in his article.

3). "Elvis has left the building". Other ways to articulate premise would be Elvis is done performing. Elvis is no longer here.

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